On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Garrett Cooper wrote:

Andreas Davour wrote:

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Bryan Maynard wrote:

I am not running as root when trying to access the device and I'm sure this is the problem. . . I just don't know how to fix it :-) .

I don't know if I used amaroK or whatever KDE player was in the menu, but I just acted like the disc was mounted and it worked. It was a bit strange, since I had tried hard to change the protection on the device without getting it to work. Maybe the player ran setuid root or something, and tried to do magic on its own.

Have amaroK actually complained about the disc not being mounted? If
not, just try without mountinga and you might be lucky.

Audio CDs shouldn't be mounted... If you try and do that you will most likely encounter issues with reading the CD. All that you would have to do most likely is change the permissions for the device to allow full read access to you on a user or group level (ie 0666, 0660 or equivalent). Modifying /etc/devfsd.conf to your liking is the best way to go to retain changes across boots.
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