Sam Leffler wrote:
Eric Schuele wrote:

Sam Leffler wrote:

Eric Schuele wrote:


dhclient.conf contains
interface "ath0" {
  #send option host-name "myhost";
  #send option domain-name "";
  send dhcp-client-identifier "myhost";

  ### Home
"ssid <home_ssid> mode 11b channel 11 wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 0x<home_wepkey>",
  ### Office
"ssid <office_ssid mode 11b channel 6 wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 0x<office_wepkey>"; request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers, domain-name-servers, domain-name;

Do not use media statements to setup wireless parameters; this does not work. You need to run wpa_supplicant and let it identify the network and setup the key parameters.

How do I tell wpa_supplicant about the network media? I had found an older post of yours regarding NOT doing it in dhclient.conf.... but I've found no other way to accomplish it.

The above dhclient.conf lists media settings that are all handled by wpa_supplicant so you don't specify any of them. Specifically you set ssid, band, channel, and wep parameters; all these are handled by wpa_supplicant.

The intent is that dhclient deal only with the dhcp protocol and stop being involved in the discovery and selection of wireless networks (a job wpa_supplicant is better equipped to handle).


# Home Network

# Office Network

Not sure you need scan_ssid set, I'd leave it out.

If you have problems try disabling auto-startup of ath0 and run wpa_supplicant by hand with the -d flag to see what it's doing. Once that's going then enable startup in rc.conf. If you continue to have problems provide the output wpa_supplicant -d -i ath0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf (or similar) when you have trouble. There is also a pending issue with locating some ap's that are setup to hide their ssid. If one of the ap's is configured in this way contact me directly--I've been trying to collect the info I need to identify what's going on.

Both my APs (home and office) hide their ssids. One is a wrt54g (home), the other is linksys as well... though I forget the model at the moment (FWIW its a/b/g). What can I do to provide the info you need?

These should work; I've had reports of problems with certain Cisco ap's. Note however that configuring an ap to hide it's ssid adds no real security.

FWIW... I set my AP to broadcast the ssid. It then quickly associated with it. But then dhclient 'broke the association' when it tried to acquire a lease (I have removed the media lines from dhclient.conf)? and subsequent wpa_supplicant attempts would no longer detect or associate with the AP... till I reboot.

Attached is that log. (forgot to attach to last msg)

What else can I provide to help.

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Script started on Sun Jul 31 08:31:25 2005
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fangorn# wpa_supplicant -d -i ath0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf &

[1] 607
fangorn# Initializing interface 'ath0' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 
Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' -> '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
ctrl_interface_group=0 (from group name 'wheel')
Priority group 0
   id=0 ssid='wLAN_WEP_Kx6L04o2'
   id=1 ssid='laquinta-g'
Initializing interface (2) 'ath0'
Own MAC address: 00:0e:9b:53:31:9d
wpa_driver_bsd_set_wpa: enabled=1
wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=0
wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=1
wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=2
wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=3
wpa_driver_bsd_set_countermeasures: enabled=0
wpa_driver_bsd_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1
Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (2 BSSes)
Scan results: 2
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
1: 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c ssid='wLAN_WEP_Kx6L04o2' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
   selected non-WPA AP 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c ssid='wLAN_WEP_Kx6L04o2'
Trying to associate with 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c (SSID='wLAN_WEP_Kx6L04o2' freq=2462 
Cancelling scan request
Automatic auth_alg selection: 0x1
No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
wpa_driver_bsd_set_key: alg=WEP addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff key_idx=0 set_tx=1 
seq_len=0 key_len=16
wpa_driver_bsd_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1
wpa_driver_bsd_associate: ssid 'wLAN_WEP_Kx6L04o2' wpa ie len 0 pairwise 4 
group 4 key mgmt 2
wpa_driver_bsd_associate: set PRIVACY 1
Setting authentication timeout: 5 sec 0 usec
Association event - clear replay counter
Associated to a new BSS: BSSID=00:0f:66:00:ca:5c
Associated with 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c
Cancelling authentication timeout

fangorn# ifconfig

bfe0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        ether 00:0d:56:b4:f1:50
        media: Ethernet autoselect (none)
        status: no carrier
        ether 00:0e:9b:53:31:9d
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (DS/11Mbps)
        status: associated
        ssid wLAN_WEP_Kx6L04o2 channel 11 bssid 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c
        authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 1 wepkey 1:128-bit txpowmax 54
        protmode CTS roaming MANUAL bintval 250
        ether 3a:4f:c0:57:18:81
        ch 1 dma -1
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
        inet netmask 0xff000000 
fangorn# dhclient ath0

Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
Added BSSID 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c into blacklist
Disconnect event - remove keys
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No APs found - clear blacklist and try again
Removed BSSID 00:0f:66:00:ca:5c from blacklist (clear)
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to port 67 interval 8
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to port 67 interval 8
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to port 67 interval 14
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec

fangorn# ifcoStarting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
fniReceived 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec

ifcofnig: Command not found.
fangorn# Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (0 BSSes)
Scan results: 0
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec

fangorn# Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Received 0 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
Scan results: 1
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
0: 00:13:10:94:f4:07 ssid='linksys' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0
   skip - no WPA/RSN IE
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec


Script done on Sun Jul 31 08:33:32 2005
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