On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 10:50:01AM -0400, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Carl Delsey wrote:
> [ ... ]
> >You're right. My mistake. That's what I get for using my eyes to search a
> >document instead of using the search feature. :-)
> No worry: growisofs' manpage and the way it uses command line arguments is 
> not entirely consistent.... :-)
> To some extent, Andy doesn't want to fully document everything to encourage 
> people to either "use the source, luke", or to create more user-friendly 
> (but seperate) frontends like k3b.  I don't fully understand the mindset of 
> not making a program fully documented or oriented towards its users, but 
> Andy has been reasonably responsive to integrating FreeBSD changes for the 
> port, so I'm not going to complain...

I do not agree with that statement, Andy helped us to clearly document
growisofs in the Handbook, it's just a shame people hardly read the DVD
section.  Regarding the complex or "invisible" options, they should not
be used/exist if DVD burners firmware or DVD media were without bugs :(

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