dick hoogendijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have lots of mp3 files. Some of them contain highascii in the title
> which also is in the directory. No problem. It goes well. I use
> iso-8859-1 as charset ;-)
> The problem is that these songs *DON'T* show off well when read from a
> windows computer connected to my freebsd server through samba.
> Can this problem be solved? I'd like to read my iso-8859-1 coded
> directory right on both systems. Or is this wishful thinking? ;-)

Put these lines in /usr/local/etc/smb.conf:
        dos charset = cp850
        unix charset = ISO8859-1

However, transferred files from Windows to the FreeBSD machine,
which were displayed wrong from the FreeBSD side, but right from
Windows, will now be displayed wrong from both sides.

I don't know if you have such files, and I don't know if
there is an easier fix than just transferring the files again.


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