Hello everyone,

Well, Im on FreeBSD 4.8-R Fresh installation, and i have a simple question
  Lets say I named my box Xname so in rc.conf the hostname ="xname"

  When the machine start, the logs will start to complain /var/log/messages

xname sm-mta[157]: unable to qualify my own domain name (xname) -- using short name xname sm-msp-queue[167]: My unqualified host name (xname) unknown; sleeping for retry xname sm-msp-queue[167]: unable to qualify my own domain name (xname) -- using short name

  Yes I do have a domain name lets say its Xwhatever.com
and Yes if i will change the hostname -s to Xwhatever.com it will work just fine,
  but its not a logic to keep the command line standby as a domain name,

  so where do i tell my box that Xname = Xwhatever.com ?
 I tried to add to /etc/hosts this line
 Xname  <Space>   Xwhatever.com
 localhost <space>  Xname

 but its still the same,
 Any help would be appreciate it.
 Thank you in advance.

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