--- Frank Mayhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I've got a handful of such devices that appear
> to work just fine.
> Now, mine are based on the Prolific PL-2303* chips
> but you don't mention
> any specific hardware.  All I know is that I'm using
> them for consoles
> (and am  running getty on them) with no hangs or
> crashes of any kind.

Thanks Frank.

I'm using a converter based on the FTDI232BM, on

ucom0: FTDI USB to Serial Cable, rev 1.10/4.00, addr 2

I am seeing the ucom0 work with normal input/output,
but not with getty.  With getting it prompts for the
login then, upon hitting return, freezes.  Without
getty I can send and receive characters all day long
without problems.  Once the freeze happens, I can stty
-f ucom0 -hup and data starts again.

Referencing the following:


--- Warner Losh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personal opinion: You overstate the probelems, and
> have a bad attitude.

Perhaps, at least on one count.

> I use umodem + ucom all the time for connecting to
> the internet on my laptop.  I've had exactly 0
> problems doing this for the past 4 years.

I'm happy for you.  I've been using FreeBSD since it
was called 386BSD + patches and there are many things
I've never had problems with too.  It seems we're both
happy people... mostly.

> There may be other problems in the serial subsystem
> intersected with usb [...]

That's precisely the area I'm interested in.

> Even to the point that it will be hard for you to
> effect change because people don't take you
> seriously.

I don't want to effect change, I just want a working
system.  If you're serious about supporting an
operating system you have to support all your uses,
even the assholes.


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