Just a thought, are you using a 64-bit processor? I remember back in my Linux user days that Macromedia was not willing to release a 64-bit version for "alternative operating systems"

Kiffin Gish wrote:
I know I am not the first nor more than likely the last, but I cannot for the life of me get Flash to work in Firefox 1.0.6 on FreeBSD 5.4.

I've tried everything according to the FreeBSD handbook, mailing lists, etc, but still when there is a page with Flash, poor Firefox chokes and dies.

One thing interesting I noticed though, which might be a hint, is that if I exit Xfce, logout, login this time as root, fire up Xfce again and then run Firefox, everything works without a hitch, e.g. even flash-based pages don't crash Firefox. Weird.

What gives?

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