On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 10:24:04AM -0700, Aaron Dalton wrote:
> I thought this might be the best place to post the question.  I am 
> running FreeBSD5.4-RELEASE.  For the sake of argument, let's say I am 
> trying to get the port editors/fte running on my Windows box via an SSH 
> tunnel.  I am running WindowsXP, cygwin's X11 server, and PUTTY.  As far 
> as I can tell from all my Googling, this should actually be quite simple:
> - openssh is setup on FreeBSD with X11Forwarding=yes
> - I start the cygwin X-server (XWin -ac -multiwindow)
> - Putty is configured to forward X11 sessions
> - I connect via Putty
> - running '$ fte' from the FreeBSD command line should supposedly open 
> everything up now on my Windows box, but it does not.
> From what I understand, when I connect now via Putty the env variable 
> DISPLAY should be set.  But it is not (which is the error fte gives me 
> when I try to run it).  If I try to manually set the DISPLAY variable (I 
> tried localhost:0, localhost:0.0, ip:0, ip:0.0) it still doesn't work. 
> editors/fte is fully installed (with X11libs and all that) but I wonder 
> if there is more I need installed on the FreeBSD end to make things work.
> I really appreciate your time and any assistance you can render.
I'm new to FreeBSD, so I may be off base, but I use vncserver on my
FreeBSD box when I need an X session. Then I just setup Putty to forward
port 5900 to, make an ssh connection to my FreeBSD server, run
UltraVNC on my Windows box and connect to localhost.

Ken Stevenson
Allen-Myland Inc.
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