There are called sca or single connect if I'm not wrong...

Most high end servers (sun, hps, ibm, compaq, etc used those)

They are basically 68 pins drive (can be U80, U160 or U320) so you just need a regular se scsi adapter for them.

The only difference is that the power is coming though the connector, scsi ids are also set by the backplane instead of jumpers at the back of the drive...

If you don't plan to put them on a server that has those backplane, you can buy a converter from 68 pins to 80 like this one for example:

There is a bunch on ebay, just seach for "sca 80"

it may be hard to fit in your case, just make sure it fits :)

At 21:21 2006-01-16, je killen wrote:
I've obtained two SCSI hard drives made by Maxtor that have 80 pin connectors and no power connector port. This isn't necessarily relevant to FreeBSD accept that i'm planning on using them in a FreeBSD installation. I'm only aware of 50 pin SCSI and 68 pin SCSI. I've tried to contact Maxtor to get advice on a PCI adapter
and cables to use with these units but haven't gotten a reply.
Can any one give me some info on how to set these drives up hardware wise?
Or if they can be used, maybe I made a mistake getting them, but they are 18GB 15 k drives and were $75 apiece from Tiger Direct. two of them will give me 36 GB to use for a web server /usr and /var partitions. And i"ll use SATA
drives for RAID back up.

Thank you in advance.
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