On Monday 23 December 2002 07:35, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-12-23 03:23:36 -0800:
> > OK. I have tried unsuscribing to this mailing list and
> > re-subscribing to it and then sending e-mails to it to
> > test but my e-mails never make it. I know this e-mail
> > will make it to the list but this account is not the
> > one im having problems with. I'm having problems with
> > my POP account. if someone could help me figure out
> > what the problem is i would appreciate it. I dont get
> > any error messages back either when i try to send
> > e-mails to this list from my POP account.
>     The freebsd.org MTA is somewhat anal about the properties of the
>     other side of the SMTP connection. The name sent in EHLO/HELO
> must resolve to the address of the host, and its IP address must
> resolve to that name. This is a very successful anti-spam measure. It
> unfortunately also causes some collateral damage.


Excuse me for jumping in to this, but I'm also one who is also confused 
by all the hoops needed to successfully gain the favor of the 
freebsd.org MTA.  Thanks for your clear and detailed explanation (here 
and in another post).

But it seems to me that there's more to it than you've described above.  
For example, ISTR that when I was using Pegasus Mail (Windows) I had to 
change its settings so as not to put "@localhost" in the message-ID 
header (or some such thing... I don't remember exactly).

Anyway, as of now, using KDE Kmail, I have tried three different MTA's: 
two ISP's and sendmail on my own FBSD box connected to the cable modem.  
In each case they supply (to freebsd.org) the correct hostname which 
resolves to the correct IP address, and vice versa.  Yet only one gets 
through.  I'm not sure why... the only errors I get are something like 
"connection refused" or "service unavailable" or something equally 

Could it be that freebsd.org checks farther back in the chain than just 
the MTA that is talking to it?  Or is it something else?

Maybe I should check some of the spam that does get through, and see how 
they do it ;-)


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