At 20:55 09.03.2006, Steel City Phantom wrote:

   This is a useful idea, but i don't think you have to go and develop a
   whole new site to make it happen.  simply take the existing ports
   search application ([1] and make some small
   modifications to it.  stuff like when the search results come up, when
   you click on the name of the app, instead of taking you to the CVS, it
   takes you to the blog for that app where the long description is the
   starting article.  then you can add all the rating stuff and whatever
   you want below that.
   also, a link to the homepage for the app would be nice.  im constantly
   searching freebsd ports and then in another tab searching google for
   the app i just found to figure out what in the world it is.
   i realize it would be double work for some maintainers but it can be
   written to be fairly automated im sure.  and the port maintainers can
   just leave it up to the users to maintain the blog part if they like.

Steel City Phantom :) Thank you for your input!

Best regards,

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