On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:55:07 -0500
Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you looked at Sylpheed?  I don't know how closely it will match
> the behaviour that you're used to, but it talks nicely to every IMAP
> server I've ever seen, and it turns the folders with new messages
> red.
The problem is, I have about 250 folders.  Scrolling through them is a PITA, so 
I'd like to have the same, or similar, functionality that I had with Mulberry.

Mulberry has a favorites folder, called "New Messages", that only displays 
folders with new mail in them.  That way, instead of scrolling through hundreds 
of folders, I only see the ones with new mail.  (I can easily scroll through 
the hundreds if I need to, but I don't have to.)

I'm replying to you using Sylpheed, and it's a nice app, but I don't see any 
option to create a Favorites-like folder except by filtering and copying to a 
newly-created folder.

Does it have the functionality, and I just haven't noticed it yet?

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas
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