On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:48:58 -0800
"Ian A. Tegebo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm interested in knowing several things:
>       1 When is a port interactive?
>       2 Is there an easy way to determine the above?
>       3 What are all the options for a given port?
> After doing some reading, I understand that one can learn about options
> in Makefiles, running "make show-config", "make show-options", or some
> other idiosyncratic method that seems to vary from port to port.
> In terms of question 1, there seems like there should be a
> "IS_INTERACTIVE" variable set in the Makefile but in the example of
> shells/bash-completion, there is no such variable and yet I was 
> presented with what I imagine was "dialog" prompting me to choose
> between bash2 and the newer bash3 (default shells/bash).
> I have a hidden agenda here.  I would like to be able to present
> portupgrade with a list of ports, preprocess all interactive ports
> before any actual building occurs, and then let portupgrade do its
> thing.  
> Now, I could use the "BATCH" variable to at least process all
> ports that aren't interactive but that hardly seems cool when there
> could be dependencies that are interactive (which would show up when I
> pass -rRn to portupgrade).
> I've also taken a cursory look at portmanager and portmaster but neither
> seem to fulfill my agenda.  It's not that I want to simply achieve
> automation, I want to do all the human work of evaluating options and
> making decisions up front (without all the tedious work of poking around in 
> Makefiles when there are already nice things like those dialog prompts).
> Has anyone gone down this road?  Does it not go anywhere?  Is there a
> better way to do this?  

All the interactive dialogs that I've seen store the result of your
choices in /var/db/ports.  As a result, you never see the dialog again
if you reinstall or upgrade the port.

You could establish a set of options on a scratch machine, then copy
the /var/db/ports directory to the new machines you are building.

Also, the portupgrade.conf file allows you to add command line options
for ports.  See the man page for details.


Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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