On 15 Apr 2006 15:28:43 -0400
Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alejandro Pulver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > I have upgraded my two identical (same CPU and motherboard) machines
> > from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.0 (cvs tag RELENG_6_0). Both of them have
> > NVidia video cards. One has a GeForce 4 MX 440 w/AGP8X and the
> > other a GeForce 6600.
> > 
> > I upgraded the system as described in the handbook and after that I
> > rebuilt all the installed ports.
> > 
> > On the machine which has the GeForce 6600 everything works fine,
> > but in the other machine there are two problems. Strangely in the
> > machine that works fine the problem #1 happened only once.
> > 
> > 1) The first time the module was built (after upgrading to 6.0)
> > when X started the system and screen frozen after 3 seconds. This
> > didn't stop happening.
> > 
> > 2) After rebuilding the nvidia-driver port the system crashes
> > (kernel panic) when it tries to load the kernel module to complete
> > the installation of the port. It outputs the following messages
> > (sometimes one and sometimes the other), followed by some
> > information and kernel dump progress:
> > 
> > panic: softdep_setup_inomapdep: found inode
> > [...]
> > 
> > Fatal trap 18: integer divide fault while in kernel mode
> > [...]
> > 
> > The second error is the same as the one the working machine
> > outputted when I tried to load the 5.4 kernel module into the 6.0
> > kernel.
> > 
> > If I copy the nvidia module from the working machine, problem #2
> > gets solved, but problem #1 happens.
> > 
> > What can I do?
> > 
> > If you need more information just ask.
> On a system where I use that port, I upgrade it by just booting into
> single-user mode, make sure the module is unloaded, and then upgrading
> the module from there.

Thank you for your reply.

The problem #2 was solved when I rebuilt the nvidia-module (as you

The problem #1 was ridiculously skype (yes, 'net/skype') crashing the
system. It doesn't use OpenGL and it is not related to nvidia. I think
it crashed the system through the linux compatibility kernel module.
Some seconds after starting it, the system frozen. When I rebuilt
it (forced) the problem got solved.

Best Regards,

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