> > In the last episode (Dec 10), dick hoogendijk said:
> > > Is there no way to get this linux-termcap/terminfo compatible?
> > 
> > You can copy over the termcap/info entries from your FreeBSD box and
> > add them to your Linux system.  I've attached termcap and terminfo
> > versions of the cons25 terminal description for easy pasting.  Append
> > the .tcap file to the end of /etc/termcap, and run "tic cons25.tinfo"
> > to update the terminfo database.
> *DONE*

In addition to this (older) article I have to say that things still
don't work the way they should.

If I have a SSHv2 session from my FBSD client to my linux server on the
console, the screen gets messed up in *slrn* (running remotely)
Most other progs run just fine. Slrn runs fine too, but for that I have
to run it from a xterm in which I start the ssh session and than the
slrn program on the server. The screen does not get messed up than.

So, somehow there has to be something wrong w/ cons25 on the bsd machine
OR the support for it on the Debian Woody linux machine. It's a small
thing but still a pity ;-(( Like to solve it..

dick -- http://www.nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.7 ++ Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)

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