On Mon, Dec 30, 2002 at 05:39:05PM +0100, dick hoogendijk wrote:
> Spamassassin seems to work. It flags the messages the way it's supposed
> to, but after that, I get my messages in my normal mailbox.
> Why is procmail not running the next line? The spambox file is not being
> created.
> I've tried the X-Spam-Status and also the "* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES" but the
> mail appears in my normal inbox and is not processed any further???
> What must I do to have spamassassin tag the messages and then have a
> further processing of the .procmailrc ??
> =-=-=-
> ## .procmailrc
> :0
> * ^Subject:.*sbin/get-news
> /dev/null
> :0:
> * ^List-ID.*freebsd-questions
> Mail/fbsd-questions
> :0fw
> | /usr/bin/spamassassin

Are you sure this is the right path to spamassassin?  If you installed 
from the port, it probably ended up in /usr/local/bin/, not in /usr/bin...

If procmail can't process a rule because a pipeline command is not 
where you tell it, it does the right thing and returns the message to
be processed by the next rule, rather than spitting its dummy and
sending it to the bit bucket.

> :0
> * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
> spambox
> =-=-=-

When you get procmail to pass mails off through spamassassin, you
may want to try running spamd/spamc - it is a daemonised version of
spamassassin, and can help cut down the overhead incurred when you 
have to start perl up for each message - most of the execution phase
with this setup is actually spent compiling the rules.  Using the 
daemonised version will save this hit, as it will only have to process
the rules once when spamd starts.  Depends on how many mails you get,
and whether you consider it acceptable to have a daemon perl running,


Daniel Bye

PGP Key: ftp://ftp.slightlystrange.org/pgpkey/dan.asc
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