At 04:25 PM 5/12/2006, you wrote:
inetd running is discouraged. Instead run the daemons on boot using rc scripts. If you look back in the history, inetd running is a security risk, and was discouraged in the 5.X releases.

Is that still really true? Waaayyy back when, inetd would have all kinds of dangerous services enabled by default (allowing DOS stuff like spewing "chargen" into "discard").

But that was a configuration issue, and issues with the services it launched; not with inetd itself.

The authentication is still done within ftpd. You're just saving the tiny overhead of running it all the time for occasional use. And inetd does allow the tcpwrappers for anything it launches (obviously the wrappers are compiled into many other things now, ftpd included.)

You say tcpwrappers are compiled into ftpd? Are you sure? How can I "enable" or otherwise use them? If I add things to hosts.allow they seem to have no influence. This would solve my problem as I would not need inetd.


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