On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 05:03:46PM -0400, Dave wrote:
> Hello,
>    I'm atempting to get an integrated AC97 sound card working under 6.1. I 
> know this card works, loading the snd_driver module finds it, but i do not 
> know which actual module works it over. I'd rather not have to load 26 
> sound modules just the ones i actually need. I've checked /boot/kernel/snd* 
> but didn't find anything AC97 and googling showed that others had asked, 
> but no clear answer. If anyone has this going i'd appreciate hearing about 
> it, and also any difficulties with quality or getting applications going.
> Thanks.
> Dave.

cat /dev/sndstat

will tell you which loaded driver actually attached to the device.

It's in the Multimedia section of the handbook.


Daniel Bye

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