> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-01-03 20:48:18 -0500:
> >
> > we're having a problem with some cracker using addresses
> > harvested from whois and the "abuse/www/webmaster" with
> > domains they get from the database. The mail appears to
> > come from us but it cannot as the addresses are oneway incoming
> > only.
> >
> > the subject is always
> >
> > "XXX templates"
>     filtering on subject might help in short term, but it's not the
>     right answer IMO.
> > It claims its advertising for www.liquid2d.com,
> > their website says:
> >
> > "
> > Liquid 2D is being attacked by a group calling itself the 'asian WAREZ
> > crackers' who are trying to disrupt our business. They are sending out
> > massive amounts of spam mail to anger people and are using open mail
> > servers to send it out.
>     your email mentions at least three hooks that are better suited for
>     weeding out spam, and will help you generally, not just against
>     these losers.
>     Also, I don't use Sendmail, so you'll have to transform this into
>     the m4 configuration; Postfix configuration is very readable.
>     1. it's not clear whether "The mail appears to come from us" means
>     that the envelope sender address has your domain or it's just the
>     From: header. If it's the latter you can employ some header check,
>     which means you'll have to accept the message first, but envelope
>     sender check are easy:
>     smtpd_sender_restrictions =
>         permit_mynetworks
>         ...
>         check_sender_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/spammers
>         permit
>     /usr/local/etc/postfix/spammers contains (among others):
>     bellavista.cz                 554 Stick it up your nostril, liar
>     2. the statement you cited says the spammers abuse open relays.
>     you probably don't want to accept any mail from such MTAs anyway:
>     maps_rbl_domains =
>         bl.spamcop.net
>         relays.osirusoft.com
>         relays.ordb.org
>         list.dsbl.org
>         sbl.spamhaus.org
>     smtpd_client_restrictions =
>         ...
>         reject_maps_rbl
>         ...
>     3. while you might not want to use this for your regular (business
>     related) user accounts, addresses like hostmaster@ can be quite
>     easily protected from spam by TMDA or qsecretary.

The simple solution if you're running sendmail is to install
mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin and mail/procmail.  It checks for known hooks,
verifies headers and checks for mail servers that are in the various RBLs.
I've been using it for 2 weeks and only had one false positive.

Matt Emmerton

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