--- Alex Zbyslaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brian McKeon wrote:
> >I've been having some issues using nice...
> >
> >I usually setup a system building script to
> automate
> >things when I go out or to sleep. something along
> >these lines...
> >
> >echo "cd /usr/sys; make clean && make buildworld &&
> >make buildkernel" > /root/makeme; chmod u+x
> >/root/makeme
> >
> >then I would under rel_5 just type 
> >nice -n -20 /root/makeme
> >  
> >
> >under Rel_6 this gives a "incorrectly formed number
> >error" more or less according the the man pages
> this
> >should be valid as they basically give this as an
> >example.
> >  
> >
> nice is a csh builtin which uses a different
> (historic) format
> (cartman)38# nice -n -20 /bin/ls
> nice: Badly formed number.
> (cartman)39# which nice
> nice: shell built-in command.
> (cartman)40# whereis nice
> nice: /usr/bin/nice /usr/share/man/man1/nice.1.gz
> /usr/src/usr.bin/nice
> (cartman)41# /usr/bin/nice -n -20 /bin/ls
> list of files
> {cartman}42# nice -20 /bin/ls
> list of files
> Did you change shells between releases?  Maybe bash
> uses the new format.
> >Then with Dump...
> >
> >It seems to hit the fan with large filesystems, and
> >this seems new to rel_6 at least in my experience.
> I
> >can dump my root and var systems correctly but my
> usr
> >file system never works, gives errors during
> restore,
> >but comeplete the dump. I've been tarring things up
> >lateley, probably will keep dumping to just the
> root
> >system and tar var once I have websites on it.
> >  
> >
> Show us the error message!  And the dump command
> while you are at it.
> --Alex
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I forgot about nice being interal to csh, that is
likely to source of my problems...

I use this for a dump

dump -0 -C 32 -f - |bzip2 --best | dd of=/foo/bar.dbz2

and then on a restore

bzip2 -dc | (cd /foo; restore -r -f -)

the error I get is

expected 234234 got 234237
expected 234235 got 234238
expected 234236 got 234239
... ...

expected 234250 got 234267

which fills up the screen with seemingly corruption
errors, then the restore bails with an error asking if
I wish to continue, if I continue it fails. I will get
a screen dump of the error when I can dig up the
corrupt dump file, and or make a new one. I believe
the error is something about inodes missing or being

this exact command syntax works on everything but my
usr filesystem.


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