
On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 18:01, Magnus Johansson wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I am trying to build a firewall server with FreeBSD 4.7, but I'm having some 
>problems with the network cards.
> When I install it with two Netgear FA-310TX network cards, I get the "dc0: watchdog 
>timeout" messages.
> If I try two Intel PRO/100 cards, I get the "fxp0: DMA timeout" and "fxp0: SCB 
>timeout" messages.
> Searching the mailing lists the problems for both these types of cards seems to be 
>reasonably well known. I tried moving the cards around the
> PCI-slots, but without any success.

What motherboard are you using? Can you post each card's dmesg entries

Initially, you might want to ensure that the P 'n P OS options in the
BIOS settings are disabled.

> Anyone who can recommend network cards with less problems for a firewall server (or 
>knows the solution to these problems).

Check back with that info and and when you can.



> Thanks
> Magnus
> (I am not on the mailing list)
Stacey Roberts
B.Sc (HONS) Computer Science

Web: www.vickiandstacey.com

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