
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 07:06, Jon W. Backstrom wrote:
> Dear FreeBSD Community,
> I am trying to run named (bind) in a sandbox using the default flags
> found in the config files. I've got this in my /etc/rc.conf file:
> named_enable="YES"             # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).
> named_flags="-u bind -g bind"  # Flags for named
> I also did a "chown -R bind:bind" to my secondaary DNS directory, so
> all updates work with the new "bind" userID and group (53).
> [/etc/group]
> bind:*:53:

You might want to check against the procedures laid out in the Handbook
(http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/dns.html#NAMED-SANDBOX) so 
as to ensure that you have indeed performed all of the required steps.

In particular:
Make a dev/null that named can see and write to
Symlink /var/run/ndc to /etc/namedb/var/run/ndc
Configure syslogd(8) to create an extra log socket that named can write
Arrange to have named start and chroot itself to the sandbox by adding
corresponding lines to /etc/rc.conf

Hope this helps.



> The problem comes when I use "/usr/sbin/named.reload" ... I get an
> error message that named can't write the /var/run/named.pid file.
> It seems unable to delete and rewrite "named.pid".  I've tried 
> various group permissions for /var/run to allow the "bind" user
> to create this file, but I can't seem to make this error go away.
> Is there an obvious trick to running named in a sandbox under the
> FreeBSD 4.7 standard distro?
> Thank you!
> Jon Backstrom
> P.S. - In the /etc/defaults/rc.conf file, there is a comment that
>        it *may* be possible to run named in a sandbox...but the
>        docs in "man security" don't mention anyting about the 
>        problems with /var/run/named.pid.
> # named.  It may be possible to run named in a sandbox, man security for
> # details.
> #
> named_enable="NO"               # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).
> named_program="/usr/sbin/named" # path to named, if you want a different one.
> #named_flags="-u bind -g bind"  # Flags for named
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Stacey Roberts
B.Sc (HONS) Computer Science

Web: www.vickiandstacey.com

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