When CUPS 1.2.0 came out, I had the same problem as others with port 
permissions and the USB backend, so I changed my usb device permissions:
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  cups  227,   0 Aug  5 22:36 /dev/ulpt0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  cups  227,  64 Aug  5 22:39 /dev/unlpt0

I also edited printers.conf and changed the URI from usb: to file: and I was 
able to print without any trouble.

Today, I tried to print something and my printer printed a small amount of the 
page and then just hung with it's power/status light flashing. CUPS reported 
the printer was printing. 

After trying to get it going, I checked printers.conf and found the URI line 
was set back to usb:, so I changed it to file: again restarted cupsd, but it 
wouldn't start.
Looking at the error log, I see:

d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] start_job: filterfds[1]=[ 17 20 ]
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] 
cupsdStartProcess("/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/pstoraster", 0x80e1b60, 
0xbfbef790, 18, 20, 16)
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] start_job: Closing filter pipes for slot 0 [ 18 
19 ]...
I [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] Started 
filter /usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 5358) for job 18.
E [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] Unable to open output file "file:/dev/unlpt0" - 
Device not configured.
D [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] Discarding unused job-completed event...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] start_job: Closing filter pipes for slot 0 
[ -1 -1 ]...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] start_job: Closing filter pipes for slot 1 [ 17 
20 ]...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] start_job: Closing status pipes [ 15 16 ]...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] cupsdStopJob: id = 18, force = 0
D [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] Discarding unused printer-state-changed 
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] cupsdStopJob: printer state is 3
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] cupsdStopJob: Closing print pipes [ -1 -1 ]...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] cupsdStopJob: Closing back pipes [ 13 14 ]...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] cupsdStopJob: Removing fd 15 from InputSet...
d [05/Aug/2006:23:18:42 +0930] cupsdStopJob: Closing status pipes [ -1 -1 ]...

It seems that cups now won't recognise the file: setting, yet previously it 
did. I checked back through my logs to see if a newer cups port had come out 
& I'd inadvertently upgraded to it, but it seems that's not the case - it's 
still 1.2.0
Using the usb: URI always gives the same result - the job starts printing but 
stops after about 12% and won't go any further.

Any ideas as to why my cups no longer accepts the file: URI?
I'm running FreeBSD 5.11-Release-p2 and my printer is an Epson Stylus C61 on a 
USB port.

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