On Sunday 20 August 2006 19:31, Noah wrote:
> Okay I am looking at these files.  I am looking for something that
> automatically executes a 'use.perl port' after upgrading or reinstalling
> perl.  It is most probable that I will always want the latest perl port
> active.
> I cant figure out how to do that from the documentation and/or files you
> have sent to me.
> Cheers,
> Noah

I am not sure about this, but perhap you have to chmod the 'use.perl' program 
to  0755 and then run "use.perl port" manually. In any case, You do have to 
execute the 'perl-after-upgrade' program. Check the manual for further info 
on that program.

Just out of curiosity, after running portmanger, and assuming it does claim to 
have upgraded perl, what is the out put of 'perl -V'?


Gerard Seibert

All life evolves by the differential survival of replicating entities.


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