Lisa Casey wrote:

# Perform daily/weekly/monthly maintenance.
1 3 * * * root periodic daily 2>&1 | sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 15 4 * * 6 root periodic weekly 2>&1 | sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 30 5 1 * * root periodic monthly 2>&1 | sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If these were standard cronjobs sending output to stdout then this would work (though I would use e.g. "mail -s 'my subject'" not sendmail - latter only really useful when you want to generate the headers yourself). However, IIRC, periodic jobs are handled differently. Extract from man periodic.conf:

    (path or list) What to do with the output of the scripts executed
    from the directory dir.  If this variable is set to an absolute
    path name, output is logged to that file, otherwise it is taken
    as one or more space separated email addresses and mailed to
    those users.  If this variable is not set or is empty, output is
    sent to standard output.


same for weekly, monthly.

Or unset all of them and use the crontab email method you used above.


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