
  You don't compile PHP into the kernel.  Let this be your first lesson,
namely that nobody but another admin really understands your job,
so get used to the old "smile and nod" routine.  When talking to your
bosses, what you need to do is find out what the RESULTS are that
they want, do not let them get sidetracked into discussing with you the
pros and cons of each little piece of software that you use.

  Secondly, document, document. document.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Phipps" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 2:57 AM
Subject: Sparkling Brand New FreeBSD Admin

> Good Day,
>     My name is Keith and I"ve just been promoted to our Unix SysAdmin at
> work. I'll be working with a team of guys in the Ops department but the
> majority are Windows Admins. I'm not completely lost when it comes to
> using *nix, I use it as my Desktop and know Slackware and Ubuntu fairly
> well. I've installed FreeBSD a few times on servers, but that's about
> the extent of my server knoweledge and BSD.
>     My duties in the beginning are not going to be that complex, I'll be
> building out boxes, racking them, health checks, running backups,
> generating keys, etc.. However, soon after my promotion date (11th of
> September I start) I'll be given more and more boxes to manage. Most of
> our infastructure is built on BSD, so I'm going to have upwards of 40
> appliances to manage and maintain.
>     My questions really come down to this; I'll be working with 4.x and
> 6.1 boxes. Are there any global issues with them I should be concerned
> about, something you guys as admins have to deal with regularly. The
> boss also said something that confused me, said I'd need to make the
> builds and compile php, perl, and mysql into the Kernel. I've never done
> much Kernel work (much, lets start with any) but it's always been my
> understanding that with BSD if I wanted to install PHP, PERL, and MySQL
> on a box, I'd just pkg_add it. I've never heard of it actually being
> compiled in the kernel.
>     Right now my biggest resources have to be google and the O'Reilly
> book "Essential Sys. Admin." but I'd like to have a reference guide more
> suited to only the FreeBSD platform. Any recommendations on this as well?
>     Thanks for your time,
>     -Keith
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