Chris Maness wrote:
> The first time one builds a port (i.e. php5), a selection of different
> modules or optional compatibility is shown to the user (i.e. apache
> module).  At this point one would make the appropriate selections and
> continue with this build.  However, I have noticed, if a mistake is
> made, and you decide to deinstall and reinstall the application, there
> is no such dialog screen again.  You are stuck with your old choices.  I
> have dried to delete the whole port and reinstall it.  However, it still
> does not give you the dialog box that allowed you to make the initial
> selection.  How do I fix this?

You read the ports(7) man page carefully, and follow the instructions
in there.  Especially the bits about 'make config'.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
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