Hi, Paul!

On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:29:41 -0500 Paul Schmehl wrote:

> The native card has enough functionality for what I need, but what I'm
> wondering is if anyone has managed to get the extra functionality
> working under linux emulation.  If so, how did you install the rpm?

Don't have any experience with those cards, but I can say how to
install a linux rpm:

- ensure you have archivers/rpm2cpio installed (it is already
  installed if you have installed any linux_base port);
- copy dist.rpm to any empty directory and run a command:
  $ rpm2cpio < dist.rpm | cpio -id
- brandelf all binary files (not libraries!):
  $ brandelf -t Linux binary_file;
- as root do:
  # find * -type d -exec mkdir "/compat/linux/{}"
  # find * ! -type d | cpio -pm -R root:wheel /compat/linux
  If any non-standard directories for linux libraries are created then run
  # /compat/linux/sbin/ldconfig -r /compat/linux

If everything goes well, you may add a pkg-plist and submit a new
port. ;-)

> And which emulation did you use?

Current default (read: recommended and supported by emulation@) linux
base port is linux_base-fc4.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, http://www.ipt.ru Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, http://www.FreeBSD.org The Power To Serve
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