justins wrote:
> I`ve installed spamassassin rules on my sentmailserver and i am trying
> to filter my mail in order to pick out some spam.
> The spamd process is running only it doesn`t add anything to my mail
> heather so procmail can`t forward it to the caughtspam folder.
> How do i start spamassassin in order to filter my incomming mail.
> Anyone.....

That depends on what MTA software you are using.  If it's sendmail,
then there are several choices.  The mail/spamass-milter is probably
the least complicated to use, as it's purely about integrating
SpamAssassin and sendmail.  There's also several integrated Anti-Virus
and Anti-Spam setups that can use SpamAssassin internally, such as 

Another alternative is to invoke spamassassin from the delivery agent
-- in that case, I'd recommend installing mail/procmail and using that
as your default MDA -- in sendmail that's done by including
'FEATURE(local_procmail)' into the .mc file -- and then write yourself
a .procmailrc file that feeds messages into spamc for spam checking.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
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