On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 10:49 -0400, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 01:52:07AM -0700, Stanley Wright wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >    
> >   Is it possible to boot FreeBSD from  a floppy disk or a CD. I dont want 
> > the other users to know the OS is on the computer.
> Wow, stealth FreeBSD.
> I haven't done it, but I think you can make a live CD and boot and 
> run from that.  But what about disk space to use - you will want to 
> leave some stuff there somewhere to work on.   Just getting it booted 
> is not very exciting or fulfulling.   
> Of course, if the other system on the machine is MS, and you squeeze 
> it down to make room for some FreeBSD work space, it won't show up 
> in MS.   So, maybe no-one will notice the space shrinkage.   You could 
> go ahead and make it FreeBSD bootable too, but then they would see 
> the FreeBSD boot select menu.  
> You could put everything there, but replace the MBR with the MS one
> and then use the CD to start the boot and then select the FreeBSD
> slice from its menu and then just run from the disk.   Then the CD
> is only needed for its MBR.   I think that would work.
> Anyway, check the FreeBSD handbook on making a live CD and maybe
> someone else will also dip in their oar.
> So, what's so scarey about someone else knowing FreeBSD is on the
> machine?
> ////jerry
> >   Thanks
> >   Stan
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A live CD such as Freesbie and a USB memory stick for personal storage
should give you all you need.  You can format the USB memory with the
FreeBSD UFS filesystem, or leave is as a DOS FAT for compatibility with
other operating systems.  You won't need to change a single byte on the
hard disk, and no one will know once you go away.

If you are thwarting company or school policy, watch out!  It might be
much cheaper in the long run to buy another machine of your own.  A used
computer can be had for very little, and an older one will run FreeBSD
just fine.

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