On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 11:09:05AM +0200, Desmond Coughlan wrote:

> Hi,
>   I hope that I'm not sending this to the wrong list, or that the question 
> hasn't already been answered.
>   I'm trying to install 6.1-RELEASE onto a Pentium-3.
>   I had a lot of trouble creating the diskettes, but after changing the 
> floppy drive, no problem.  Now, when I do the install, I have two hard 
> drives, and configure them as follows...
>   disk0
>   150M / 
>   512M /etc
>   512M /etc
>   512M /var
>   1024M /bin
>   4096M /usr
>   1024M swap
>   disk1
>   4096M /forums
>   4096M /mail
>   4096M /sql
>   1024M swap
>   I go through the installation, via ftp, and then set the root password.  
> Oh, and the 'FreeBSD boot manager' is the option I choose, when configuring 
> the disks.

This exact same question and situation was on the list about a week ago
from someone else.  You should check out recent archives.

Anyway, my guess was that you must not make /etc a separate file system.
It should remain as part of  /  (root).  

When the installation is going on, the system is really working from a
different root and kernel and everything - one from the floppy or CD
or in a 'memory' file system.   That includes a special separate /etc

After the install, when the system is booting, it first mounts only root 
in a special Read Only state.  It takes a wild guess that root is in 
partition 'a' of the boot slice - which is required so it is a true 

But, then it tries to do a remount rw and to read /etc/fstab and maybe 
some other files to find out what to do for the rest of the boot, but 
since only root is mounted, it cannot find /etc/fstab because /etc is 
not mounted.  So, you need to leave etc as part of root.

This was initially a shot in the dark suggestion by me when this 
problem was posted a week ago, but the previous poster with that 
problem wrote back and said redoing the partitioning without a 
separate /etc solved the problem for him.

So, my suggestions on the above are to get rid of the separate /etc
partitions and to increase your /var to at least double.  

I also noted that you have  '/etc'  listed twice, but I was assuming that
is a typo.   If not, well, you can't do that - have two partitions mounted 
at the same mount point - at least not and still make use of both of them.


ps.  You do not need 512 MB for /etc.  Mine uses up only about 1.6 MB 

>   When I reboot, this is what I see ... 
>   Manual root filesystem specification 
>   <fstype>:<device> Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype> eg 
> ufs:da0s1a 
>   ?                           List valid disk boot devices 
>   <empty line> Abort manual imput 
>   ... and that's it.
>   Nothing else.  The machine just sits there.  
>   Is there something I've missed ?  We've tried the same install on three 
> different machines, using three different motherboards, and four different 
> hard drives.  Something is wrong, either with the installation media, or else 
> with our method of going about it.  Oh, and I tried installing 5.5 on the 
> same machines, with the same result.
>   FreeBSD rocks; I've used it for a long time on many different machines, and 
> this is the first time that this has happened.
>   Could someone suggest a solution?  The people with whom I'm installing 
> this, are starting to whisper the word 'Linux', and it's giving me 
> nightmares....   :(
>   Thanks.
> D.C
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