On Sunday October 22, 2006 at 08:09:50 (AM) albi albinootje wrote:

> On 10/22/06, Gerard Seibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Any reason you're not using postfix/amavisd-new/clamav?  It works
> > > quite nicely.
> >
> > Yes actually. Reading the Postfix forum, it seems that people are having
> > problems with it everyday. I just want to keep it as simple as possible,
> > Amavisd requires mucking around in the master.cf file and I would rather
> > not get involved in that if possible.
> what's the problem with editing master.cf ?
> and if you only want anti-virus checking, try clamsmtp (it's in the ports),
> it's rather easy to set up if you quickly read the documentation
> and compared to amavis config-file it's a breeze to edit the config  ;)

I have used "clamsmtp". In fact, I was inspirational in discovering the
configuration problems with it while employing TLS in Postfix.

The problem is that 'clamsmtp' bogs down under load. It was causing a
great many messages to get hung up in the queue when under heavy load. I
finally aborted it.

BTW, I now have clamav-milter working, but only for out going messages.
I am tryng to discover what the problem with it is now.

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