I did a clean install of FreeBSD 6.1 (from CD), then
installed Apache2.2 using ports. Apache works fine if
I donot change anything in the config files (all it
says is "it works!")...however,

1). if I change the line 
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/apache22/data"
to DocumentRoot "/usr/home/user1/www" (and disable the
above line with # in front of cours), then it shows
the message 

You don't have permission to access / on this server."
this is despite the dirs has the right permissions. 

2). I can move all the contents under /user1/www to
/usr/local/www/apache22/data and then it works
fine...howver, if I enable the vhosts, by activating
the line in httpd.conf:

Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

then I get the same error!

I did not have any problems with Apache 2.0 on a
different FreeBSD (4.2) server...I think on that one I
did not use the vhosts option but put all the virtual
hosts in the httpd.conf file though.

This is very confusing to me...

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