On 11/13/06 09:35, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
Eric Schuele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

When I use `pkg_cutleaves -l` to list leaf nodes.  It is listing
things I know are required by other apps.  These aren't build

For example, it lists g-wrap, and libpcap.  If I remove g-wrap, my
gnucash2 immediately refuses to run.  And I know libpcap was an
"option" I selected for NTop.  There are others as well.  I have
noticed that a `make  pretty-print-run-depends-list` is empty for
gnucash2.  Is that significant?

Why would these not be +REQUIRED_BY something?  `pkgdb -F` doesn't
mention anything at all.

If something has no +REQUIRED_BY file... how can I go about
determining why its on my machine or which port installed it?
Obviously top level items I installed aside.


[Running 6.2-PRERELEASE]

The requirements files are definitely supposed to be there, and their
non-presence constitutes corruption in your package database.
pkg_cutleaves can't figure out requirements that aren't recorded, so
getting the package database restored has to be your first step.
The obvious way of fixing the package database is to reinstall all of
your ports before removing the leaves.  You may not need to use such a
brute-force solution, though...  If you have backups of /var/db/pkg,
you could go through and try to find the dependencies as they existed
when the backup was made.  Obviously, this might not be fully
up-to-date; however, it's likely to be better than what you have now.

Good luck.

Thanks for the response.

Well, I would accept this without any question... especially given the full story of my machine (I did loose /var... I did reinstall everything... but after reinstalling everything, there was a different number of ports installed??? I then pulled out a backup and grabbed some straglers and got closer.).

However, sticking with my gnucash2 example. You would think if I were to uninstall gnucash2, uninstall g-wrap, and reinstall gnucash2, it would correct this problem. Yet it remains. It seems odd to me. In fact looking at the backup I have, g-wrap is not +REQUIRED_BY anything. I wonder if the port(s) is somehow broken?

Either way... I think I'm gonna just wait till 6.2 is cut and then rebuild (again). Simply because this is quite a systemic problem. I'm not sure I can confidently clean it up 100%. If I fail to register (for lack of a better word) some port(s) in the database, they will never get updated, as my system will not know they are present. And eventually things will get too out of whack... odd things will begin happening... etc, etc. Lots of posts to questions@ later... someone will say "just rebuild the d#$% thing." :) I'll re-evaluate the situation at that time.

Again, thanks for the response.

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