[ Please keep the list Cc'd on replies so if somebody runs into this again hopefully they'll find the thread in the archives. ]

On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 03:52 PM, C Burchell wrote:
Install the port instead and add --with-mail-gid 65534 to the
CONFIGURE_ARGS in the Makefile, or define it on the command line when you compile the port:

make CONFIGURE_ARGS="--with-mail-gid 65534" install

That should work, I think.

I gather this applies if I have the ports locally installed?
Correct.  You need to have the ports tree installed.

You mean edit the existing Make file in /wherever/ports/are installed?
The Makefile in /usr/ports/mail/mailman.

How / can I change this if I am installing remotely by using 'pkg_add -r' ?
You can't. The package is just a pre-compiled binary of the port using the default options specified in the port's Makefile. Basically, it's the result of:

# cd /usr/ports/mail/mailman
# make package

Maybe I'm missing something here... I always use pkg_add, which I gather automatically installs the port... Is there a way to download the port and compile it locally? If so, can you direct me to the FAQ on this? I have not been able to find anything in my 2nd Ed. copy of the FreeBSD Handbook.
pkg_add only deals with binaries. You'll need to compile the port itself if you want to change the default options. Take a look at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports.html for info on installing the ports collection and installing individual ports.

- jim

jim mock <mij@{soupnazi|opendarwin}.org> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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