On 17/12/06, Bradley Giesbrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I inherited a freebsd installation with a var slice/mount that is to
small and filling up all the time.

What type of info should I provide to allow someone to help me with a

I would very much prefer to not install another drive just for /var.

/usr has plenty of space. Can I mount var off of /usr?

You could do that.

/dev/ad0s1e    257998  206956    30404    87%    /var

More to the point, you might want to find out what is
filling your /var as that is quite a lot of space being used
if you are not running a mailserver.
du -d1 -h /var (as root) should give you some clues.
The usual suspects are /var/tmp and /var/log, though
on occasion I have had logfile rotation not do its thing
correctly and leave a program writing to a nonexistant
file, filling up /var.

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