Mark Lu wrote:
> I've read up a few things stating that sysinstall is at its
> end-of-life and there are plans to replace it. I'm wondering about the
> reasons or rationale behind this. Even today, sysinstall seems to work
> extremely well as an easy-to-use, simple, and stable tool for the
> installation of FreeBSD. None of the features seem limiting or
> outdated to me. So, why is there a move to find a replacement or
> something? Software shouldn't be replaced for the sole reason of being
> old if it works, right?

Two reasons AFAIK:

1. it simply doesn't even know how deal with the more modern features
like GEOM & RAID, more advanced authentication mechanisms (nsswitch),
and devices like sound cards (there are many more in this list...)
2. it's way past what's currently considered "user friendly"

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