On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 08:06:58AM +1100, Joe Arcaro wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe this is just a rant,
> But I'll vent anyway.
> I've been watching with some skepticism, the whole apple circus freak 
> fanboy show ...
> I was just curious, does it not bother any of the BSD developers that 
> Apple inc (TM)  has based its entire business model on open source software,
> and yet seems to have given little if any thing back in return.
> I have on occasion looked at the apple web site, and never has apple 
> even given credit to any form of BSD !
> Is this all just acceptable, have I missed the whole point of open 
> source (Give something back when you can)
> or have I not read the fine print.
> anyhow...
> Cheers to all the developers at Freebsd, I am an admirer of BSD and the 
> open source community

Yeah, you did miss the point.  The BSD license does not require this,
and we BSD developers work on BSD software because we acknowledge and
even like that aspect of it: we are developing quality software that
can be used for any purposes with effectively no strings attached.

Besides, apple has and does contribute code back to FreeBSD.


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