On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:21:42 +0100, Indigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Everyone,
  I just stumbled upon something very strange.
I just installed 6.2 on a machine that was sitting in it's own private network behind an older 5.4 machine:

        - Switch
                - Workstation
                - FreeBSD_5.4
                        - FreeBSD_6.2

Things worked fine and I was messing around with hardware and such - getting the machine somewhat ready. Now that it's ready I rearranged the network a bit so I can start configuring mailserver and such:

        - Switch
                - Workstation
                - Switch
                        - FreeBSD_5.4
                        - FreeBSD_6.2

Ever since I did this - I can ping between the two machines and the 6.2 can connect to 5.4, but I can't SSH to the 6.2 from the 5.4.
Even better - connecting directly from my Workstation works fine.

I tried flushing arp. But I just can't get the 5.4 to talk to 6.2 anymore.
nmap cant find any ports.
I can't find any log messages.
I suppose it's a fault on the 5.4 side - but what kind of error is it?

Do you have any idea of what kind of crazy voodoo can be going on?


Just fixed it:
I had the local IP as an alias and public IP as the primary IP.
I switched this and things are okay again.

This won't bug me anymore once I finish my routing. But Im not sure this is correct behavior.

rc.conf before:
ifconfig_re0="inet --public--/29"
ifconfig_re0_alias0="inet --local--/24"
rc.conf after:
ifconfig_re0="inet --local--/24"
ifconfig_re0_alias0="inet --public--/29"

Or is my configuration wrong?

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