On 2003-01-19 09:31, Stephen D. Kingrea wrote:
> problems got deeper at this point, since repeated attempts began
> yielding different results, such as:
> DMA failure switching to FPIO
> hard error reading fsbn <snip addresses> status=59 error=40
> leading me to believe that i suddenly have bad ram chip or failing
> ide controller.
> switching boxes now to pentium II gateway2000, getting undefined
> reference errors during make in bt.o.... code 1. what th?

Please, when reportinng build problems specify at least the following
things in your post:

- Version of FreeBSD you're building.

- Optionally, the date of your last CVSup update.

  If your supfile contains base=/usr CVSup saves this information in
  the checkouts.cvs file of the ${base}/sup/${collection}/ directory.
  Assuming that you use the default supfile examples, the correct path
  for the checkouts.cvs file for /usr/src would be
  /usr/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs and the following command will print
  a human-readable form of the last update date:

        $ date -j \
          -f '%s' `head -1 /usr/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs | \
                   awk '{print $3}'`'+%+'
        Sun Jan 19 14:09:33 EET 2003

- The exact error message of your build.

These are required for someone who will try to reproduce the build
problems you're having.

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