On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 07:52:16AM -0800, Peter A. Giessel wrote:
> On 2007/03/23 7:07, Andrea Venturoli seems to have typed:
> > I can easily do that even with ghostscript.
> > The problem is not that I want to split a document into single pages, 
> > but that I want to split a page in two.
> > Someone printed two A4 n-up on an A3; I want the two A4 separated again.
> A crude hack would be to use gs to convert it to a high resolution image
> file, use gimp or something like that to split it into two image files,
> then use gs to put them back together.  Again, crude hack and resolution
> would be lost, but it may work for you.

I think you can set the scaling and page orientation in ghostscript so
that the current single page requires multiple sheets to print. Also
tell ghostscript that you only want the Nth page, or use other PS
utilities to snatch the desired pages.

Or you could do the same sort of thing using a GUI PDF viewer to print
to file.

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