On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 10:10:17PM +0400, Yuri Grebenkin wrote:
> Just wonder if it's better for an HDD not to spindown at all.
> Maybe it's safer to spin in peace than to park/launch?
> What do you think?

        My guess (really a SWAG) is that it's bettter to leave things
        just happily spinning, 24*7.  In Nov, '99 a power off//on
        destryed my new (105-day-old) 9G SCSI drive.  Off ffor fewer 
        than five seconds, then a spike or two, and the drive went
        deadder than a decade-old corpse.  Lost 10 months of files.
        ((Well, my tape backup had flubbed up.))  

        Who would know???    I've heard both sides, and so far, just 
        leaving drive spin seems slightly better.  

        {Futureistic[?] idea: maybe a new drive can have a mode of
         Full-Operation and (slower) Spin.  It wouldn't take more than
         a second to transition from the slow-spin to full-op mode.
         Open files, OS states, and whatever could be stored to RAM... .

         Any little old winemakers, er, diskmakers out there?


> > Hello again all,
> >     I was wondering if there was an automatic, and possibly timed means to
> > spin down disks available in either ports or the base system, by chance.
> >     Just trying to cut down on energy use, and increase my disks' lives :).
> > TIA,
> > -Garrett
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