WarrenHead schreef:

I have been having some trouble with getting NIS working on my freebsd server. Mainly because I have never before used this.

I now have it working, but there is an odd inconsistency which I don't know how to remove/update.

I changed the gid of a user with: 'pw usermod -n sam -g 1000', but this change is not reflected in the yp maps. I did recreate the maps again with 'ypinit -m', but I guess that was not the trick I needed to update the maps.

So, now when I run 'ypcat passwd', I see something like this:
sam:*:1000:1001:Sam Genter:/home/sam:/usr/local/bin/bash

while I also see this: 'id sam'
uid=1000(sam) gid=1000(sam) groups=1000(sam), 100(users)

The difference is thus the gid.

I can find information about updating/pushing the maps onto slave servers, but not about getting changes into the maps on the sole nis server I have.

Cheers, Warren

Oh and just running 'make -C /var/yp' doesn't solve it either.
This command is suggested here:

Cheers, Warren

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