Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 09:52:57PM +0200, Erik Norgaard wrote:
Hi, I updated my ports tree and started to reinstall all packages to update gettext and xorg. Now trying to install teTeX it fails with the following error:

===>  Building for cmpsfont-1.0_6
(cd /usr/ports/print/cmpsfont/work/cmpsfont/pfb; /usr/local/bin/type1inst -nolog -quiet)
/usr/local/bin/type1inst: not found
*** Error code 127

Stop in /usr/ports/print/cmpsfont.


photon# ll /usr/local/bin/type1inst
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  39066 24 May 21:17 /usr/local/bin/type1inst

Certainly, also, if I try to run this command I get the same error:

photon# /usr/local/bin/type1inst
/usr/local/bin/type1inst: Command not found.

What's broken? how do I fix this?

I guess that is a script that is trying to use a nonexistent

You're right:


Since when did the port stop creating a link to /usr/bin/perl? I recall a discussion on ports about whether or not to keep creating the link, and IIRC the conclusion was that too many things break without the link.

The latest mention of perl in UPDATING is from February last year.

Thanks, Erik
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