At 1:36 AM +0000 1/26/03, Petersen wrote:
Assuming you have the object files from a buildworld hanging around, then
cd /usr/obj/usr/src/usr.bin/vi
cc -O -pipe -o vi *.o -lncurses -static && strip vi && mv vi /bin/
should probably supply you with what you want.
Two modifications made this work fine:
- I hadn't done a buildworld, but doing the following got the same result:
   cd /usr/src/usr.bin/vi
   make && cc -O -pipe -o vi *.o -lncurses -static && strip vi && mv vi /bin/
- As pointed out off-line, you also need to get it the termcap library. Doing
   cp /usr/share/misc/termcap.db /root/.termcap.db
fixes that.

At 8:30 PM -0600 1/25/03, Dan Nelson wrote:
might want to install e3, which is only 13k statically linked and uses
generic ANSI escape codes so it doesn't need a termcap file.  If run as
e3vi, it acceptes vi keystrokes.
Nice! e3 built from the ports collection linked statically automatically. e3 didn't work correctly on my console (it didn't recognize the Alt key), but e3vi worked fine and felt just like vi.

Thanks! I now feel better about emergencies.

--Paul Hoffman

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