On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 19:20:05 +1000 Norberto Meijome wrote:

> I'm testing the latest skype beta for linux from skype's site (1.4 ), ideally 
> viewing to update the port while learning in the process.

> I've resolved all dependencies so far (listed after my sig), except for :

> libsigc-2.0.so.0 => not found

> I do have libsigc++ 2. installed in my system, but I believe I need the linux 
> version , correct?

> Now, linux-libsigc doesn't exist in ports. I'm faced with 2 options:

> 1) installing libsigc from FC4 (the linux subsystem version I'm using) via 
> RPM , but it seems only 1.5 has been packaged - i can't seem to find 2.0 
> anywhere.

Well, it really simple here, just use http://www.rpmfind.net . And
using "libsigc-2.0.so.0" as a search pattern will give you an
answer: it is an "extra" for FC4 (libsigc++20-2.0.17-1.i386.rpm).

And here is the link at kernel.org:

PS. Seems that you have missed an "extra" category while searching. ;-)

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, http://www.ipt.ru Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, http://www.FreeBSD.org The Power To Serve
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