PowerMan wrote:
Dear sir,
     My first English is not English, please forgive me if I made some bad
or expression.

      I have learned from your web site http://www.freebsd.org,
that version 6.2 is released in 15 Jan, 2007.

      Is that a stable release?

       If it is, why there is 6.2-stable snapshots released in May and June

Should all snapshots be released before a final stable release ?

should no snapshots be released after a final stable release?

I may not express myself very well, I wish you can understand me.


That's an official release. A few patched stable releases have been done since then to fix security issues, as well as MFC (merged from current) modifications (new drivers added, etc).

Also, snapshots of the managed CVS branches are done periodically (legacy, stable, current), which you may or may not have seen.

Patches are made to all supported releases, until their respective EoL (end of life) dates, so that's why there are periodic releases.

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