Hello there

Could anyone help me?

I have installed Postfix on my freebsd 6.2 box but still not able to make it
work after spending whole day and night....

I have added a group with name "postdrop" but when I try to send a mail, I
get this error logged in maillog:

#pw groupadd postfix
#pw useradd postfix -c "Postfix SMTP Server" -d /dev/null -g postfix -s
*#pw groupadd postdrop
# tail /var/log/maillog
*Sep 13 20:54:35 veejay postfix/sendmail[1315]: fatal: file
/usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter setgid_group: unknown group name:

#ll /etc/group shows
*-rw-r-----  1 root  wheel  582 Sep 13 19:13 /etc/group*

Is there pemission problem? I have run set-permissions command too but still
no luck! :(

*#/usr/local/sbin/postfix set-permissions *

why it is not able to find the group in the /etc/group?

Any help will be really apprecaited!


BR / vj
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