this is how to use procmail to put mesgs with scores >= your threshold into a

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

I think if you want to do this system-wide, you can put this in


On  0, "Justin P. Michel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Thanks to all who replied regarding installing the
> Sendmail/Procmail/SpamAssassin combination!  It appears to be working very
> well, and is marking spam nicely.
> Now, I'd like to take it to another step.  Instead of delivering the
> messages that get marked as spam, is there a way to move them to a special
> mailbox/area/holding bin of some kind?  I'd like the server to do it
> automatically so that the clients won't get any spam at all.
> I realize this isn't necessarily a FreeBSD only question, but I'm sure that
> others here have already done what I question.
> Regards,
> Justin P. Michel
> |- J Continuum
> |- 21071 - 640 River Street
> |- Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
> |- P7A 8A7
> |-
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andrew y ng  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
independent computer consultants

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