On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 10:46:18AM +0000, Christian Walther wrote:
> Hi there,
> thanks Predag and Roland for your replies.
> I'll stick with teTeX for the beginning, it looks like a promising
> start. 

I think you're wise to. I use teTeX and it's got most things. I've
only ever had to get something from CTAN once: a fax package.

> When I need additional macro packages (one for creating nice
> presentations would be nice indeed) I'll check with ctan.

Check out beamer once you've installed teTeX:


There are also some examples installed:


> Maybe I'll even give TeXlive a shot, but I got used to the ports system
> and feel that it is rather time consuming to maintain software that has
> been installed manually.

TeXlive will eventually be ported but for the moment you're better off
with teTeX in ports, it works fine.

BTW, the best place to get your LaTeX/TeX questions answered is
comp.text.tex on Usenet.

> Thank you for your insights,
> Christian



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